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Beautifully written, this is a story about a life marked by suffering and prejudice, yet full of love, old age and hope. You won't forget her.
Centenary Rosanne McNulty will tell you the story. The place where she spent most of her life, an old mental hospital in the Irish town of Roscommon, is about to be closed and Rosanne will soon have to leave it, like, after all, the world.
And that's why you should write a story, hide it under a board in a creaky floor, and hope that one day someone will find that secret record, that terrible and beautiful confession about growing up and youth, love and beauty, about suffering, war and people who can sometimes be like angels.
Rosanna McNulty's writings are Ireland's secret confession. Brought to life in Rosanna's notes and conversations with the psychiatrist, Dr. Grene, it is the history of one woman and one country, but also the history of thousands of women who, just like her, disappeared into insane asylums and convents simply because they got pregnant out of wedlock, or were husbands rejected.
One copy is available