Usud hrvatskih zemalja: Pro memoria, svjetski rat i Hrvati - diktat geopolitičkog položaja

Usud hrvatskih zemalja: Pro memoria, svjetski rat i Hrvati - diktat geopolitičkog položaja

Ivo Pilar

The book deals with topics such as national identity, political aspirations and cultural influences, and offers a critical view of historical events and their consequences for the Croatian people.

The book "The Fate of Croatian Countries" by Ivo Pilar from 1997 provides an in-depth analysis of the historical, political and social circumstances that shaped the fate of Croatian countries. Pilar, known as a lawyer, historian and geopolitician, in this book explores the complex relations between Croats and other peoples in the Balkans, and the influence of great powers on Croatian history. Pilar's analysis is often permeated with his personal views and political beliefs, which gives the book an additional dimension.

Mirko Rajčić, Milan Glibota
20 x 12 cm
Consilium, Zagreb, 1997.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Discounted price: 15.4210.79
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