Propast Dakota indijanaca

Propast Dakota indijanaca

Rudolf Daumann

The author of the book Great Chief Tatanka-Yotanka also wrote the second part of the novel about this great Indian chief.

While in the first part Tatanka-Yotanka defeats the whites and holds them back from their encroachment into the lands of the Indians, in this book Daumann shows the defeat of the Indian tribes and the final fall of the great chief. There we meet all the familiar faces from the first part: Bernard Butte's Teton-Tatanka, Pat Pinkie, Molly Pinkie, Pella Malx and many others.

Interwoven with juicy humor and many adventures, this book is also a historical document about the downfall of the Dakota Indians.

Original title
Der untergang der dakota
Oto Šolc
Grigor Vitez, Oto Šolc
Graphics design
Josip Vaništa
20 x 14 cm
Mladost, Zagreb, 1963.
Latin alphabet. Paperback with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Traces of patina

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