Kratka povijest ideja: prekretnice u povijesti ljudske misli
In a simple and clear way, the authors brought the development of ideas of philosophy and religion in the past and today to the widest audience, presenting most of the great philosophers.
You may be wondering what philosophy is all about. Surely something meant for high-minded intellectuals who spend hours and hours thinking?
Philosophy is not only about how to think, but about how to live. Philosophy takes a closer look at the ideas behind the way we live our lives. What we think really affects our view of ourselves and the way we relate to other people and the world.
In the head of each of us there are all kinds of ideas about ourselves and the world. These ideas did not come from nowhere. This book provides an overview of various ideas from different periods, from different people and from different places. We tried to show you why they appeared in the first place and what their importance is. In this way, you will be able to compare yourself and your own ideas with ideas and their history - observe them as part of the entire history of philosophy that is constantly being written, every time we think about something.
This book is primarily written for the western area. Therefore, we decided to consider Christianity and Western philosophy, both of which influenced and shaped Western society. Our book does not take into account Eastern philosophy or non-Christian religions. But even if you are of another faith or no religion at all, this study will benefit you because if you live in the West, the ideas embedded in our society have sprung from the Western way of thinking.
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