100 jednostavnih tajni uspješnih veza: Što su znanstvenici otkrili i kako vi to možete iskoristiti
Scientists have devoted entire careers to researching the nature of relationships, courtship, and marriage, and yet, until now, their discoveries have been inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden away in scientific journals and academic circles.
What are the basic characteristics of successful relationships? The author of two hits under the titles 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People and 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People has now, from more than a thousand studies investigating relationships, collected the freshest and most significant data and expressed the most significant discoveries in simple language.
Love is not calculated. Researchers have proven that the partner's age, income, education and religion have no relationship with the feeling of satisfaction in the relationship.
You can only lose a lot by constantly trying to win. People who develop competitive feelings towards their partner in 37% of cases will not achieve satisfaction in the relationship.
Leave the past in the past. More than 40% of people admit that jealousy from a previous relationship is a source of conflict in their current relationship.
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