Kako do rezultata

Kako do rezultata

Clinton O. Longenecker, Jack L. Simonetti

The book "How to get results" provides a practical guide for achieving goals and improving personal and professional efficiency.

How to Get Results is the right solution! The book offers concrete advice and will show you how to become a results-oriented manager and how to create a work environment that will encourage the best in your people. The authors use the five high-performance principles in the book, which represent basic management practices that have emerged from research conducted on managers, and are necessary for encouraging efficiency and achieving bottom line results.


The Need for Results Get Everyone on the Same Wavelength: Focus on the Purpose of Your Organization Prepare for Battle: Equip Your Organization with Tools, Potential, and Technology Fuel the Fire of Performance: Create a Climate for Results Build Bridges to Results, Nurture Relationships Tune Your Piano: Continuous Renewal

Graphics design
Paula Goldstein
23 x 15 cm
Mate d.o.o, Zagreb, 2007.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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