Rječnik njemačko-hrvatski, hrvatsko-njemački s njemačkom gramatikom
The German-Croatian, Croatian-German dictionary with German grammar contains more than 100,000 words and language phrases with examples from everyday speech.
One copy is available
The German-Croatian, Croatian-German dictionary with German grammar contains more than 100,000 words and language phrases with examples from everyday speech.
One copy is available
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German-Croatian and Croatian-German dictionary with German grammar. Contains more than 100,00 phrases, terms, expressions and synonyms. Edition for school, college and work.
In this book you will find many interesting facts about the universe, life and people who devoted their time to exploring the unknown, and about the invisible threads that connect everything alive on Earth.
5. Auflage, Jubiläums-Ausgabe 1920 Hillger Verlag mit 4124 Spalten, leicht gelöst aus der Bindung, gewellt im Rücken, ohne Anstreichungen, soweit ich sehe. Altersbedingter, dafür guter zustand.