Krila oluje: Saga o Vikinzima
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Krila oluje: Saga o Vikinzima

Giles Kristian

The book Wings of the Storm is the final part of the Sigurd trilogy. The first part is God of Vengeance, and the second is Winterfire.

Sigurd Haraldarson proved to be a great Viking warrior and a dangerous enemy. He has come a long way to avenge his family, but his warriors are not strong enough to suffer numerous human casualties in a conflict with the treacherous King Gorm. They go to Sweden where the local warlord hires them as mercenaries. However, Floki, Sigurd and Valgerda are captured by enemies, who want to sacrifice them to the gods. At the last moment they manage to escape and steal the treasure Gungnir, the legendary spear of Odin.

After this great undertaking, Sigurd manages to gather the warriors for the confrontation with Gorm. When a terrible storm arises, the warriors say that Odin the Wild Hunter summons the souls of the dead. Sigurd's path is set - his revenge will be Wings of the Storm...

Naslov izvornika
Wings of The Storm
Mladen Jurčić
Bojana Franić
Mladen Jurčić
23 x 15 cm
Broj strana
Znanje, Zagreb, 2017.
Latinica. Tvrde korice.
Jezik: Hrvatski.

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