Biblija čovječanstva

Biblija čovječanstva

Jules Michelet

In this study, the famous French historian Michelet traces the development of human thought and imagination in time and space. In the historical presentation of philosophy, religion and spirituality, the author connects the distant past with his own moder

The author of this book, a French historian and writer, says that not everything is in the Bible and that the cultural world was written through various works and another Bible. In this almost comprehensive book, which reads like a story about man, you will find the Greek, Persian, Indian and other cultures of the East and West, their most penetrating works in the interpretation of life and faith. From the Ramayana to the Bible and other cult works of wisdom, the book is divided in its message into the peoples of light and the peoples of dusk, night, and semi-darkness. It contains many legends, cults and collected knowledge.

Original title
La Bible de l'Humanité
Iva Sekulić
Dubravko Marijanović
Graphics design
Mario Pavlović
20.5 x 14.5 cm
Sipar, Zagreb, 2011.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

Two copies are available

Copy number 1


Copy number 2

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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