Natural Science
Instrukcije matematika – 2. razred srednje škole
Solved tasks, step by step, detailed explanations - all in one place!
Internal diseases: An introductory course
"Internal Diseases" by Vasilenko and Grebeneva provides a comprehensive overview of various internal medicine topics. The book covers fundamental concepts, diagnostic approaches, and treatment options for a range of diseases affecting internal organs.
Interna medicina
Inženjersko tehnički priručnik 1 – Matematika – mehanika
The first book in the series covers topics in mathematics and mechanics. These include basic mathematical concepts, differential and integral calculus, vector analysis, kinematics and dynamics.
Inženjersko tehnički priručnik 2 – Tehnička fizika - hemija
The second book focuses on technical physics and the basics of chemistry. Here you will find information on thermal and electromagnetic phenomena, optics, thermodynamics, the basics of chemistry and other related topics.
Istina o raku
The book covers the history of cancer, methods of treatment and prevention. The author investigates how cancer develops, its symptoms, and the latest advances in medicine for its treatment.
Istraživač oceana
Follow the adventure and travel the oceans in search of the blue whale, the largest living mammal.
Natural Science
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