Literature for children
Prošetajte svoje crteže
A small school of animation
Institut za film, 1986.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
2.14 - 2.16 €
Prošlost u slikama
A short and interesting story about the past richly accompanied by vivid pictures.
Školska knjiga, 1970.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
2.98 €
Pustolovine barona Minhauzena
The Adventures of Baron Münchhausen is a book in which the legendary Baron Münchhausen recounts all his famous exploits.
Rad, 1987.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
6.98 €
Pustolovine Huckleberryja Finna (druga Toma Sawyera)
The action of this adventure novel takes place on the American Mississippi River and its banks at a time when steamboats were sailing on that vast river course, during the childhood of the author himself.
Grafički zavod Hrvatske (GZH), 1987.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
6.96 - 6.98 €
Pustolovine Toma Sawyera
A novel full of action, play, humor, imagination and even love plots, it is a work that attracts young readers all over the world.
Mozaik knjiga, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
4.22 €
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