Djevojka u gradu: djevojaštvo u 19. stoljeću
With a careful approach to sources and terms, consistent interdisciplinarity and openness, Dubravka Zima's book opens and establishes parameters for a critical understanding of girlhood in its historical perspective.
Dobar život: Najveće znanstveno istraživanje sreće
For more than eight decades, Harvard's research on adult development has addressed the eternal question: What makes life meaningful and fulfilling? Although the answer may seem complicated, the truth is actually very simple: good relationships.
Drama braka i porodice
The book deals with psychological and sociological aspects of marriage and family, exploring the dynamics of relationships within these institutions.
Društvena misao u Americi : pobuna protiv formalizma
Društvena regulacija (granice znanosti i iskustva)
The book "Social regulation" is a synthetic work of law theory, a work complementary to the book "Administrative systems", which is primarily a theory of the state.
Društvo na planeti Zemlji (uvod u sociologiju planete Zemlje)
Duh vremena I-II
Etičnost i socijalnost na kušnji (socijalna problematika u Hrvatskoj)
Stjepan Baloban's book Ethics and Socialism on Trial is a valuable read because the social teaching of the Church brings it closer to anyone who is sincerely interested in that teaching.
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