Svjetska povijest
100 katastrofa koje su potresle svijet
From the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii to the earthquake in San Francisco in 1906, from the raging fire of the great fire in London to the horror of Chernobyl...
12 Strong: The Declassified True Story of the Horse Soldiers
The New York Times bestselling “spellbinding true-life story” of a United States Special Forces team deployed to the war-ravaged Afghanistan mountains in the weeks immediately following 9/11.
Boadicea - keltska kraljica
Boadicea was the queen of the Iken and other British tribes.
Dođoh, vidjeh, zapisah
Eyewitness accounts of key events in the history of mankind through five millennia. Croatian Serbian edition supplemented by: Leo Držić.
Guinnessova knjiga rekorda
The Guinness Book of Records was created in 1956 by twins Ross and Norris McWhirter, journalists and outstanding athletes. It was created by accident.
Historija čovječanstva : kulturni i naučni razvoj (devetnaesto stoljeće 1775-1905 - četvrti dio - ekspanzija Zapada) svezak peti - knjiga treća
History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development is a collection of books that explores the history of the overall scientific and cultural development of mankind.
Historija čovječanstva : kulturni i naučni razvoj (devetnaesto stoljeće 1775-1905 - opći uvod : prvi i drugi dio - znanstvena i industrijska revolucija) svezak peti / knjiga prva
History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development is a collection of books that explores the history of the overall scientific and cultural development of mankind.
Historija čovječanstva : kulturni i naučni razvoj (devetnaesto stoljeće 1775-1905 - treći dio - kulturni uspon u Evropi)
History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development is a collection of books that explores the history of the overall scientific and cultural development of mankind.
Historija čovječanstva : kulturni i naučni razvoj (devetnaesto stoljeće 1775-1905 - treći dio - kulturni uspon u Evropi) svezak peti - knjiga druga
History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development is a collection of books that explores the history of the overall scientific and cultural development of mankind.
Historija čovječanstva : kulturni i naučni razvoj (dvadeseto stoljeće : drugi dio : preobražaj društva ) svezak šesti / knjiga treća
History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development is a collection of books that explores the history of the overall scientific and cultural development of mankind.
- 20th Century
- 21st Century
- Ancient Age
- Austro-Hungarian history
- Aviation
- Byzantium
- Central European history
- Communism and fascism
- Contemporary history
- Croatian history
- Cultural history
- Documents and records
- Early Modern Age
- Greece and Rome
- Heraldry and seals
- History of Africa
- History of America
- History of Asia
- History of Civilizations
- History of Europe
- History of ideas
- History of the church
- Homeland war
- Jewish history
- Middle Ages
- Military history
- Modern Age
- Post-communism
- Povijest škole
- Prehistory
- Romanced history
- Serbian History
- Svjetska povijest
- World War II
- Yugoslavia
- A practical book
- Alternative
- Art
- Children's books
- Collectables
- Collections and chronologies
- Comics
- Encyclopedia, Dictionaries & Lexicons
- Facsimile editions
- Fun games
- History
- Homeland book
- Journalism
- Literature
- Monography
- Natural Science
- Periodicals
- Philosophy
- Religion & Beliefs
- Social Science
- Technology Books
- University textbooks