Discounted books

Najveće kulture svijeta 5: Rim

Najveće kulture svijeta 5: Rim

Catherine Chamontin

The Greatest Cultures of the World is a collection of eight books that talk about the world's great civilizations. The books were first published in Croatia in 2005 in Rijeka by the publisher Extrada d.o.o., but all eight books were also published specifi

Extrade, 2005.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
6.624.63 - 6.74
Najveće svetske pogreške i zablude

Najveće svetske pogreške i zablude

Nigel Blundell

Martians landed on earth-Curse of the pharaoh-Fiasco of the Olympics in Montreal in 1976-Massacre of the hussar squadron-Rain of hydrogen bombs over Spain-Mafia, brotherhood of fear

Druga strana sveta, 1984.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Najveće svetske varalice i lopovi

Najveće svetske varalice i lopovi

Nigel Blundell

Scumbags, scoundrels, charlatans, robbers, miscreants, evildoers, liars, robbers, fools, hochstaplers, thieves, vagabonds, adventurers, forgers and other fraudsters.

Druga strana sveta, 1984.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Najveći svetski atentati

Najveći svetski atentati

Ognjen Janevski
Druga strana sveta, 1987.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Najzloglasnije svetske ubice

Najzloglasnije svetske ubice

Roger Boar, Nigel Blundell

Although we think of murder as a terrifying crime, most murders are unpremeditated acts committed in a brief moment of rage.

Druga strana sveta, 1984.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Na kraju duge

Na kraju duge

Cecelia Ahern

At the end of the rainbow is the second novel by the Irish writer Cecelia Ahern, published in 2004. The entire novel is written in epistolary form in the form of letters, e-mails and newspaper articles. The book was number one in Ireland and Great Britain

Profil Internacional, 2008.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
4.993.99 - 7.56


Émile Zola
Rad, 1974.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Na površini

Na površini

Janelle Brown

Through unexpected twists and shocking deceptions, this suspenseful novel is also a critique of today's society.

Znanje, 2022.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Na putu u skrivenu dolinu - Umijeće prihvaćanja besmisla

Na putu u skrivenu dolinu - Umijeće prihvaćanja besmisla

Davor Rostuhar
Profil Internacional, 2005.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Narodnooslobodilačka borba u delima likovnih umetnika Jugoslavije

Narodnooslobodilačka borba u delima likovnih umetnika Jugoslavije

Invalidski list, 1958.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.