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A novel by a writer who is also the creative director and screenwriter of the television series of the same name about the life of Queen Victoria of England.
Vila iz snova
What are we willing to give up in order to make our dreams come true? Briton Seren Maddison moves to Portugal, determined to follow her dreams.
Viminacijum emisije lokalnog novca
Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond
Vječni muž / Ujakov san
"The Eternal Husband" is a novel by Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky, first published in 1869. One of his smaller but significant works, in which Dostoevsky explores complex human emotions, such as jealousy, doubt, fear and passion.
Vječni Tuckovi
Imagine that you come across the fountain of eternal youth quite by accident. To live forever, never to grow old, isn't that everyone's dream? For the Tuck family, eternal life is a reality, but that doesn't make them happy at all.
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