Titles in our offer
Arijel ili Šelijev život
Ova knjiga govori o burnom i živopisnom životu Persi Biša Šelija. Šeli zrači svojim zaraznim šarmom, ekstravagantnim načinom života, hrabrošću, posvećenošću i ljubavnim aferama.
Bili Bad, Benito Sereno
Melvilove poznate priče, prva o starom kapetanu broda koji je izgubio posadu, dok drugu neki smatraju najboljim Melvilovim romanom o mornarima.
Derviš i smrt
Dervish and Death is a psychological novel by Meša Selimović written in the period from 1962 to 1966 and is considered his most successful work.
Drama braka i porodice
The book deals with psychological and sociological aspects of marriage and family, exploring the dynamics of relationships within these institutions.
Gordost i predrasuda
Pride and Prejudice, an unforgettable classic by Jane Austen, tells the story of a free-spirited girl Elizabeth Bennet who, like her four sisters, must marry a rich husband.