32000Novi Sad
Titles in our offer
Antologija francuske pripovetke (1945.-1989.)
20 storytellers: Collet, Moran, Juando, Vercor, Eme, Simenon, Jursenard, Beckett, Mandiarg, Grac, Bazen, Camus, Robles, Grenier, Vian, Boulanger, Tournier, Joris, Le Clézio, Chateaurenaud.
Ararat is the first part of the saga of the Hungarian count family Dukaj, and its events span the historical periods of Europe from the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century
Der ungarische Schriftsteller Lajoš Zilahi hat tiefe Spuren in der Literatur hinterlassen. Sein Buch „Der Flüchtling“ aus dem Jahr 1977 gehört zu seinen besten Werken.
Dečji doboš
Grad Izbeglica
Knjiga 2
Jastvo i drugi
Leingov kulturni utjecaj, bilo da smo za ili protiv njegove antipsihijatrije, nesporan je. Jastvo i drugi je pronicljiv i potresan napad na bezdušnu znanost, nesvjesnu vlastitog sadizma - to je bogata, sugestivna, argumentirana i humana knjiga.
Kad duša zamire
Knjiga 4