Vlaška ul. 109
Titles in our offer
Kriza demokracije i participacija: Izvještaj Trilateralnoj komisiji
The two reports of the Trilateral Commission published in this book are unusually interesting documents as an overview of the state of political and economic relations in the early seventies in the West.
Kućne biljke: Potpuni vodič uzgoja biljaka u kući
This book will give you great advice on how to choose and buy healthy plants and place them in the right environment, how to display them imaginatively, how to care for them properly, and how to get to the bottom of the most common growing problems.
Kultura Hrvata kroz 1000 godina I-II
Leš u biblioteci
In the early hours of the morning, the corpse of a young girl whom no one knows will be found in the library of the manor house. Where did she come from? How did she get to the library? And who, anyway, in that house could want her dead? The facts, appare
Liječnici nemogućeg
Medical experiments on humans in concentration camps.
Liječnici zločinci
Medical experiments on humans in concentration camps.