Titles in our offer
Kršćanstvo prije Krista?
"Qumran writings" or "Dead Sea Scrolls" represent one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century, which lead to the revision of some overly simplified atheistic understandings.
Liber, 1972.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
12.36 €
Pomračenje o podne
Roman Pomračenje o podne jedna je od najsnažnijih političkih fikcija dvadesetog stoljeća. U njemu se opisuje sudbina idealističkog boljševika, žrtve Staljinove strahovlade.
Liber, 1972.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
7.62 €
Programi i manifesti u hrvatskoj književnosti
Die von Miroslav Šicel herausgegebene und 1972 von Liber herausgegebene Sammlung „Programme und Manifeste in der kroatischen Literatur“ stellt eine Schlüsselsammlung von Texten dar, die die Richtung der kroatischen Literatur in verschiedenen historischen
Liber, 1972.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback with dust jacket.
6.244.68 €