Pan Books
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Titles in our offer
A Dangerous Fortune
Epic in its scale, A Dangerous Fortune tells of the dramatic highs and lows of the wealthy Pilaster family from the bestselling author of The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett.
Except You're a Bird
A slice of Northern life in the 1960s. Wonderfully written, totally realistic, genuinely hilarious.
Falconhurst Fancy
Latest and perhaps greatest novel in the world bestselling saga of Falconhurst, the Deep South plantation shere slaves were bred like animals...
Grand Hotel
A grand hotel in the center of 1920s Berlin serves as a microcosm of the modern world in Vicki Baum’s celebrated novel, a Weimar-era best seller that retains all its verve and luster today.
In High Places
As events bubbles to a scalding boil, leaders of two great nations fought in desperate secrecy to keep the lid on the world.
No Adam in Eden
So who needs an Adam in Eden? Angelique was small, blonde passionate--and as capable of love as a hooded cobra.
North-South: A Program for Survival
North-South describes the current world unused factories and mass unemployment in rich countries, and desperate, unmet needs in the poorer countries.