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Kako promijeniti život u 7 koraka
In this self-help book, John Bird, founder of The Big Issue magazine, explains his seven simple rules that could help you change your life.
Kako razgovarati s djecom da bi bolje učila: kod kuće i u školi
This book will be a valuable help to parents and teachers and will show them how to communicate with children in order to motivate them to learn.
Kako razmišljati kao Einstein
Break the rules and discover your hidden genius! This book will teach you how to solve problems, the most difficult ones, and even those that you consider unsolvable.
Kako se riješiti umora?
Effective solutions against the diseases of the modern age
Kama sutra: umjetnička djela
The Kama Sutra is also included in the Gallery library because of the Indian miniatures that describe her teachings and that influenced the development of painting and sculpture in India.
Kao stranci
A passionate historical romance that combines love, secrets and twists of fate. Perfect for fans of regency romances with strong, charismatic heroes and unpredictable twists, the book delivers an exciting story of passion, redemption and love that changes
Kapetan Gaćeša i napad zahoda-laprdala 2
Once, not so long ago, Darko and Marko created the greatest hero of heroes in the entire history of their school - and then by mistake they revived him! However, that was just the beginning!