Dragutina Golika 32
Naslovi u ponudi
Roman Maksima Gorkog „Mati” objavljen je 1906. godine i jedno je od ključnih dela ruskog socrealizma. Delo prikazuje buđenje radničke klase u Rusiji kroz likove i događaje koji naglašavaju društvene nepravde i potrebu za revolucijom.
Moji univerziteti / Sjećanja (V. I. Lenjin, Lav Tolstoj, A. P. Čehov)
"My Universities", the third part of Maxim Gorky's autobiographical trilogy, completes the story of his maturation and intellectual development. "Memories" bring autobiographical records of meetings with V. I. Lenin, Leo Tolstoy and A. P. Chekhov.
Nikola Tesla - Heroj tehnike
Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest innovators in history, was truly a technical hero. His contributions to electrical engineering, wireless communication and the development of alternating current left an indelible mark. His vision and genius still inspire
Nunamiuti: među eskimima na Aljaski
Nunamiut - Eskimos (Labrador Algonquian: those who eat raw meat or, according to recent interpretations, those who knit snowshoes; they call themselves Inuit: people, singular Inuk), the population of the Arctic region.
Parsifalov mozaik
Parsifal Mosaik ist ein Spionagethriller von Robert Ludlum aus dem Jahr 1982. Dieser Roman ist, wie auch Ludlums andere Werke, voller Intrigen, Verschwörungen und komplexer Charaktere, die sich den Gefahren der geheimen Welt der Spionage stellen.
Pet komedija: priče iz Molierea
Dieses Buch enthält die wichtigsten Werke Molières (Der Doktor wider Willen, Tartuffe, Der Geizhals, Der anmaßende Patient, Der edle Bürger), die Professor Jeanne Normand in Zusammenarbeit mit Andree Mars in einem Buch für Jugendliche behandelt hat.
Petrova mi gora mati informativno-historijski vodč
Pripovijetke / Na dnu
Maxim Gorky wrote many short stories that explore the themes of poverty, social injustice, human suffering and willpower. "At the Bottom", a play by Maxim Gorky, is one of the most famous works of Russian realism.