Zavod za Baranjsku povjesnicu

Beli Manastir


Titles in our offer

Na vratima naroda, na granici svjetova

Na vratima naroda, na granici svjetova

Davorin Taslidžić

At the gates of nations, at the border of worlds, it enriches all our previous knowledge by spreading all kinds of insights because it is composed of contributions that are certainly the fruit of serious work, but also of deliberation.

Zavod za Baranjsku povjesnicu, 1999.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Pomorske djelatnosti u zakonicima staroga vijeka

Pomorske djelatnosti u zakonicima staroga vijeka

Zlatko Đukić

In the book, the author deals in detail with the topic of maritime activities and provides a deeper insight into the historical and legal aspects of commercial navigation.

Zavod za Baranjsku povjesnicu, 2015.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Priče iz Petarde

Priče iz Petarde

Matija Filaković

The book contains stories about the life of people in the village, showing their daily struggles, joys and sorrows. Filaković's prose brings an authentic portrayal of rural life, with an emphasis on human sincerity and strength of spirit.

Zavod za Baranjsku povjesnicu, 2004.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Prostor šutnje (vremenu usprkos!)

Prostor šutnje (vremenu usprkos!)

Davorin Taslidžić

The book continues a series of the author's professional works dedicated to Baranja.

Zavod za Baranjsku povjesnicu, 2002.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zemlja nerođenih

Zemlja nerođenih

Matija Filaković

The novel is set in rural Baranja and follows the lives of people through different historical periods, with a special emphasis on their personal and collective struggles.

Zavod za Baranjsku povjesnicu, 2005.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.