Hrvatsko udruženje za kaznene znanosti i praksu
Titles in our offer
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.15 - br.2, str. 487-1196 (2008)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.16 - br.2, str. 425-1022 (2009)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.17 - br.1, str. 1-500 (2010)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.17 - br.2, str. 501-1012 (2010)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god. 18 - br.1, str. 1-308 (2011)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god. 18 - br.2, str. 309-832 (2011)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu / god.8 - br.2, str. 1-332 (2001)
"Croatian Yearbook for Criminal Law and Practice" is a Croatian scientific and professional journal that publishes works in the field of criminal law theory and practice.