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Titles in our offer
U lovu na Cassandru
Railroad magnate Tom Severin is rich and powerful enough to grant his every wish the moment she appears, and as soon as he saw Lady Cassandra Ravenel he decided he had to have her.
U registraturi
The novel "U registraturi" was published in 1888, in sequels in the literary magazine "Vijenac", and was published as a book only in 1911, and represents the peak of the work of Ante Kovačić (1854-1889), Croatian novelist and poet.
U sjeni vinove loze
Full of secrets, difficult decisions and strong emotions, the novel In the shadow of the vine brings an exciting and above all touching story about love, sacrifice, courage and the search for a true family. The sweet taste of grapes, the intoxicating smel
Usplamtjela srca
Johanna Lindsey is a master storyteller who spins a romantic thread like no other, spinning the threads to create seductive characters, thrilling adventures and simmering passions that make her stories find their way into the hearts of loyal readers.
U tišini
At the same time creepy and tense, but also a warm story that you won't be able to let go of until you reach the end...
Uvijek i zauvijek
In a mysterious place where violets bloom out of season and the air is permeated with salt, a heartbroken woman comes across a diary and enters the life of its anonymous author.
U vodu
This tense psychological thriller, which talks about the elusiveness of the truth and a family falling apart due to secrets, does not let go until the last line.
Vaš vrt iz dana u dan
Richly illustrated, the book is intended for gardeners and all those who want to have as beautiful a flower garden or garden as possible. It contains advice on what, how and when to work in the garden during the year.
Večera s Anom Karenjinom
Dinner with Anna Karenina is a real literary treat. Intended for slightly more demanding readers.