Karitativni fond UPT
Titles in our offer
Patnja zbog besmislena života
Psychotherapy for today
Put k Bogu spasitelju : Spasenje izgubljenih
Putovima Gospodnjim : duhovne vježbe u Karmelu
We are convinced that through these considerations, many will find a lot of useful instructions for their spiritual life, and perhaps incentives for a bolder decision in their Christian walk.
Redovi i samostani
Christian monasticism throughout history
Roditeljima i odgojiteljima o odgoju
The book "To parents and educators about upbringing" by Valter Dermota is a significant work that deals with the topics of upbringing and education.
Seksualni odgoj primjeren djeci : stanje i novi početak
It cannot be denied any longer: the sexual wave is showing its results after several decades of experimental phase.
Sluga Božji
Herbert Madinger was a priest known for his great love for Mary and the Eucharistic Jesus, which marked his entire life.
Sretan je tko živi drukčije : vitamini protiv duha vremena
The book "Happy is he who lives differently: vitamins against the zeitgeist" by Christa Meves, published in 1997, deals with psychological and spiritual health.