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Kaptol 25
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Kratke ljubavne priče o ženama, ženama, opet ženama i ponekom muškarcu
Lana Biondić is the author of the book "Life on High Heels", which became a bestseller and brought the whole of Croatia to its feet.
Moja polovica jabuke
A loving cookbook with forethought for all women and strong men.
Najtraženiji čovjek
When a starving young Chechen sneaks into Hamburg under the cover of night and seeks refuge with a family of Turkish immigrants, he takes with him an unexpected amount of money and traces of torture.
Na kraju duge
At the end of the rainbow is the second novel by the Irish writer Cecelia Ahern, published in 2004. The entire novel is written in epistolary form in the form of letters, e-mails and newspaper articles. The book was number one in Ireland and Great Britain
Na putu u skrivenu dolinu - Umijeće prihvaćanja besmisla
Nevjesta obitelji Borgia
Italy, 1492. Her name is Sancha of Aragon. The beautiful illegitimate daughter of Alfonso II. Napuljski only feels contempt for his father's callousness.