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Prilaz Gjure Deželića 77
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Biblijski priručnik arheoloških, zemljopisnih i povijesnih pojmova 1-2
The Bible handbook of archaeological, geographical and historical terms is an indispensable aid to every careful researcher and reader of the Bible. About each region, state, city or village mentioned in the Bible, what is known about it is described in a
Duhovna kondicija - Razumijevanje, detoksikacija, vježba, biblijski pristup
How are you feeling today? I mean — not only physically, but also spiritually. Just as you can wake up and feel physically ill, so can it be spiritually. This book is for you!
Isusov život
Six billion people live on our planet today. We are divided by numerous differences: gender, race, religion, language, customs and space. We also have something in common: we breathe the same air, we all have red blood, we all need food, rest and shelter.
Konačna nada
Three messages to a worried world!
Korak u sigurnost
This book is intended for those who are looking for answers to life's questions and want to find a firm foothold in a world full of uncertainty.
Moć nade: Nadvladavanje depresije, tjeskobe, krivnje i stresa
Reading this book, with the help of the Bible and advice based on Christian values, you will discover the power of hope on every page!
Možemo li još uvijek vjerovati Bibliji? Je li to doista bitno?
The book is based on facts, reasons, arguments, examples and conclusions and contains history, geography, biography, archeology and views of distinguished experts, and there is also material from the Bible itself.