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One of James' most popular novels and considered by critics to be one of his best. Portrait of a Lady is a subtle examination of Victorian society and power relations, providing a groundbreaking psychological study of its protagonist.
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Rat i mir Vladimira Dedijera - sećanja i razgovori
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The novel gives a cross-section of family relationships in the writer's time. Many men have cheated on their wives in order to enjoy some pleasures for one night. They had no idea that their wives had psychological trauma because of it.
Sabrana dela Miodraga Bulatovića / 5 - Rat je bio bolji
Conceived and realized as a separate unit, this novel can also be interpreted as the second part of the book "A Hero on a Donkey". To a greater extent than in "Hero", here the war "which was better" is presented as a giant burlesque and as a pool of demon