Sabrana djela XIII: Istorija i legenda: eseji, ogledi i članci

Sabrana djela XIII: Istorija i legenda: eseji, ogledi i članci

Ivo Andrić

Ivo Andrić, osim što je bio odličan romansijer, bio je i talentovan esejista i esejista. Njegova zbirka „Istorija i legenda“ objedinjuje niz eseja, članaka i eseja koji se bave temama istorije, kulture, književnosti i ljudske sudbine.

Ovo delo je posebno značajno jer odražava Andrićevu duboku erudiciju i razmišljanja o povezanosti istorijskih činjenica i legendarnih priča.

Neki od eseja u zbirci dotiču se ključnih istorijskih trenutaka i ličnosti, dok drugi analiziraju književne ili filozofske teme. Andrić suptilno kombinuje faktografiju i subjektivnu interpretaciju, stvarajući dela koja su podjednako informativna i književna.

„Istorija i legenda” je obavezno štivo za svakoga ko želi da razume dublje slojeve Andrićeve misli, kao i njegovo viđenje odnosa istorijske stvarnosti i ljudske mašte.

Vera Stojić, Radovan Vučković
19,5 x 13,5 cm
Broj strana
Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1977.
Latinica. Tvrde korice.
Jezik: Srpski.

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Sabrana djela I: Na Drini ćuprija

1. Sabrana djela I: Na Drini ćuprija

Ivo Andrić

Na Drini ćuprija je roman Ive Andrića koji je prvi put objavljen 1945. godine. Radnja se dešava u Višegradu, malom bosanskom gradu, a centralni motiv je most na Drini, koji je simbol kulture, istorije i sudbine naroda kroz vekove.

Broj strana: 395
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela II: Travnička hronika

2. Sabrana djela II: Travnička hronika

Ivo Andrić

"Travnička hronika" is a novel by Ivo Andrić, first published in 1945. This work belongs to the author's so-called Bosnian cycle and provides a broad picture of historical, cultural and political circumstances in Bosnia during the Ottoman and Austrian rul

Broj strana: 542
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela III: Gospođica

3. Sabrana djela III: Gospođica

Ivo Andrić

"Miss" is a novel by Ivo Andrić, originally published in 1945. The work belongs to the so-called Bosnian trilogy, together with the novels "On the Drina bridge" and "Travnička kronika".

Broj strana: 214
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela IV: Prokleta avlija

4. Sabrana djela IV: Prokleta avlija

Ivo Andrić

"Cursed courtyard" is one of Ivo Andrić's most famous works, originally published in 1954. This short but powerful work presents a deep analysis of human nature and destiny through the story of prisoners in an Ottoman dungeon known as the Cursed Court.

Broj strana: 121
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela V: Nemirna godina - pripovetke

5. Sabrana djela V: Nemirna godina - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

"Nemirna godina" is a collection of short stories by Ivo Andrić, which includes a number of short stories written during various periods of his creativity.

Broj strana: 358
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela VI: Žeđ - pripovetke

6. Sabrana djela VI: Žeđ - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

"Žeđ" is a collection of short stories by Ivo Andrić that was first published in 1936. This collection represents one of the highlights of Andrić's narrative creativity.

Broj strana: 261
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela VII: Jelena, žena koje nema - pripovetke

7. Sabrana djela VII: Jelena, žena koje nema - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

It is a collection of short stories by Ivo Andrić, which was first published in 1963. This collection contains a number of short stories that explore existential themes, and the title story is one of the most famous in Andrić's oeuvre.

Broj strana: 284
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela VIII: Omerpaša Latas

8. Sabrana djela VIII: Omerpaša Latas

Ivo Andrić

Ivo Andrić's novel Omer Pasha Latas was written in 1954, and it is a historical and psychological narrative based on the life of a real historical figure, Omer Pasha Latas, who was an Ottoman military leader and statesman during the 19th century.

Broj strana: 311
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela IX: Znakovi - pripovetke

9. Sabrana djela IX: Znakovi - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

This collection brings together a number of Andrić's shorter works that deal with human destinies, historical and social circumstances, and universal issues of human nature.

Broj strana: 312
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela X: Deca - pripovetke

10. Sabrana djela X: Deca - pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

This collection includes a series of stories that focus on the world of children, their innocence, curiosity, suffering and dealing with the cruelties of the adult world.

Broj strana: 200
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela XI: Kuća na osami i druge pripovetke

11. Sabrana djela XI: Kuća na osami i druge pripovetke

Ivo Andrić

The selection of short stories in this book consists of two parts. One consists of an independent collection of short stories "Kuća na osami", which Andrić worked on near the end of his life, and the second part is a collection of short stories written in

Broj strana: 224
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika

12. Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika

Ivo Andrić

Andrić's early works, prose poems, poetic notes and lyrics were published in this volume. Each of these titles has a specific theme and style that reflects Andrić's inner state and philosophical reflections.

Broj strana: 259
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela XIII: Istorija i legenda: eseji, ogledi i članci

13. Sabrana djela XIII: Istorija i legenda: eseji, ogledi i članci

Ivo Andrić

Ivo Andrić, in addition to being an excellent novelist, was also a talented essayist and essayist. His collection "History and Legend" brings together a number of essays, articles and essays dealing with the topics of history, culture, literature and huma

Broj strana: 211
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela XIV: Staze, lica, predeli

14. Sabrana djela XIV: Staze, lica, predeli

Ivo Andrić

"Paths, faces, landscapes" is a collection of essays and writings by Ivo Andrić, first published in 1963. This work differs from Andrić's fiction because it deals with philosophical, introspective and autobiographical considerations.

Broj strana: 252
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela XV: Umetnik i njegovo delo

15. Sabrana djela XV: Umetnik i njegovo delo

Ivo Andrić

"The Artist and His Work" is a collection of essays and articles by Ivo Andrić, in which this great writer considers the key issues of art, the creative process and the role of the artist in society.

Broj strana: 298
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju
Sabrana djela XVI: Znakovi pored puta

16. Sabrana djela XVI: Znakovi pored puta

Ivo Andrić

"Signs on the side of the road" are not a confession or a chronology of a life, but fragments of a life and spiritual struggle. It is a collection of wisdom that from generation to generation is a favorite reading to which readers are always happy to retu

Broj strana: 576
Stanje:Korišćeno, u odličnom stanju

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Možda će Vas zanimati i ovi naslovi

Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika

Sabrana djela XII: Ex Ponto, Nemiri, lirika

Ivo Andrić

Andrić's early works, prose poems, poetic notes and lyrics were published in this volume. Each of these titles has a specific theme and style that reflects Andrić's inner state and philosophical reflections.

Svjetlost, 1977.
Srpski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
84,26 (komplet)
Izabrana proza

Izabrana proza

Ivo Andrić
Veselin Masleša, 1987.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
1,99 - 2,22
Sabrana djela XVI: Znakovi pored puta

Sabrana djela XVI: Znakovi pored puta

Ivo Andrić

"Signs on the side of the road" are not a confession or a chronology of a life, but fragments of a life and spiritual struggle. It is a collection of wisdom that from generation to generation is a favorite reading to which readers are always happy to retu

Svjetlost, 1977.
Srpski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
84,26 (komplet)
Dnevnik 1: Dnevnik 1914 - 17 (Davni dani I)

Dnevnik 1: Dnevnik 1914 - 17 (Davni dani I)

Miroslav Krleža
NIŠRO Oslobođenje, 1981.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Tvrde korice.
Teta Eva tu pored nas

Teta Eva tu pored nas

Ana Andračić

Aunt Eva is a woman from the people who commented on everyday life with a sharp, unique expression, first on the local radio, and later in the printed media of Valpovština.

Matica Hrvatska, 2012.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
99 varijacija: eseji i zapisi

99 varijacija: eseji i zapisi

Miroslav Krleža
Biblioteka XX vek, 1972.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.