
The Gilded Cage

The Gilded Cage

Josephine Cox
Headline Book Publishing, 1999.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Girl with the Brown Crayon: How Childen Use Stories to Shape Their Lives

The Girl with the Brown Crayon: How Childen Use Stories to Shape Their Lives

Vivian Gussin Paley

Još jednom nas Vivian Paley vodi u radoznale umove i dramatične svjetove male djece koja uče u vrtiću.

Harvard University Press, 1999.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Glass Room

The Glass Room

Simon Mawer

Prepuna jedva obuzdane strati i okrutnosti, preciznošću nauke, divljom varijacijom požude, katarzom ispovesti i strahom od neuspeha - Staklena soba sadrži sve to.

Abacus, 2009.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Golem

The Golem

Gustav Meyrink
Dedalus, 1985.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Greek's Wife

The Greek's Wife

Lynne Graham
Mills & Boon Limited, 2006.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Halliday Girls

The Halliday Girls

Pamela Oldfield
Warner Books, 1998.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

Diana Burke
Dell publishing, 1980.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Hitchhiker

The Hitchhiker

R. L. Stine
Scholastic Children's Books, 1993.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Hunchback of Notre - Dame

The Hunchback of Notre - Dame

Victor Hugo

Prvo izdanje

Wordsworth, 1993.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.
The Inheritors

The Inheritors

Harold Robbins
New English Library, 1980.
Engleski. Latinica. Broširano.