Pomalo neobični slučajevi
Rijetka knjiga

Pomalo neobični slučajevi

Daniil Ivanovič Harms

The second edition of stories, sketches, anecdotes and shorter pieces by a distinctive Russian writer who has gained numerous fans among the Croatian reading public, primarily because of the laughter that balances on a thin line - the dividing line betwee

Among the papers of Harms's legacy was found a list of stories and short pieces that this cult marginal planned to put into a possible book one day. Unfortunately, the Soviet authorities did not allow the unfortunate Harms, who died in prison at the age of 37, to realize his plans, so that only a "draft" remained. Following this arrangement of texts from Harms's notebook, "Šareni dućan" is publishing this book exactly as Harms himself imagined it!

The book includes newly discovered stories and sketches, as well as previously known anecdotes and hits, which did not make it into the compilation "Savši obične besmslice". In the attached essay "Slučaj Harms" translator Irena Lukšić provides an extensive biography of Harms.

Irena Lukšić
Irena Lukšić
Mario Tomiša
19 x 12,5 cm
Broj strana
Šareni dućan, Koprivnica, 2001.
Tiraž: 1.200 primjeraka
Latinica. Broširano.
Jezik: Hrvatski.

Jedan primjerak je u ponudi

Stanje:Korišteno, u odličnom stanju
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