Što činiti s bolom u vratu: cjeloviti program za uklanjanje boli u vratu

Što činiti s bolom u vratu: cjeloviti program za uklanjanje boli u vratu

Jerome Schofferman

In this book, one of the leading experts on cervical spine pain shows various treatment methods as well as preventive measures so that you don't have to live with pain.

Anyone who works at a computer or drives a car will not be surprised by the fact that neck pain is on the rise. About 70 million Americans suffer from neck pain. Moreover, the number of patients is increasing. Like low back pain, neck pain has become a scourge of the modern age that is very mysterious and difficult to treat. Finally, help arrived.

Original title
What to do for a pain in the neck
Lidija Dašić
Roland Veble
Terry Toyam
23 x 16 cm
Veble Commerce, Zagreb, 2004.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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