Matica hrvatska
Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 1
Titel im Angebot
90 godina osječkog električnog tramvaja
Monographie 90 Jahre elektrische Straßenbahn in Osijek.
90 godina samostalne zdravstvene ustanove Dom zdravlja Osijek
Čudesa svetoga Ivana Kapistrana: Povijesna i tekstualna analiza
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Wundern eines spätmittelalterlichen Heiligen. Der Status wertvoller historischer Quellen wird durch mittelalterliche Wunderberichte in jüngster Zeit anerkannt, jedoch unwiderruflich.
Đakovo: turističko srce Slavonije
Eseji, feljtoni, članci : proza
Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Prosatexten, darunter Essays, Feuilletons und Artikel.
Filozofija jednog pubertetlije
In the book, the author considers topics from the perspective of puberty, exploring his own thoughts and experiences.
Gradonačelnik u secesiji
In his latest novel, the author thematizes the time of Vjekoslav Hengl's mayoralty, from 1920 to 1934. It was a turbulent socio-political period, both for the city of Osijek and for the wider geopolitical space to which it belonged.