Biserka Stojić


Titles in our offer

Gnojidba poljoprivrednih kultura

Gnojidba poljoprivrednih kultura

Biserka Stojić, Sanja Biškup, Višnja Mikoč, Mirela Trdenić, Ruža Vukadin

Fertilization, one of the most important agrotechnical measures, in this century largely depends on the production of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Petrokemija, 2003.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Gnojidba povrća i cvijeća

Gnojidba povrća i cvijeća

Biserka Stojić

Nitrogen fertilizers, complex npk fertilizers, florins, fertins, vegetables in human diet, nutrition and fertilization of vegetables, organic fertilizers...

Petrokemija, 2000.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Povrće iz vlastita vrta

Povrće iz vlastita vrta

Darko Kantoci, Biserka Stojić

In order to make your work easier, the book contains many instructions on soil preparation, fertilization and planting and care of some of the most common types of vegetables in our country.

Gospodarski list d.d., 2001.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Urea u gnojidbi poljoprivrednih kultura

Urea u gnojidbi poljoprivrednih kultura

Biserka Stojić
Petrokemija, 2003.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.