Valentin Pozaić
Titles in our offer
Život dostojan života: Eutanazija u prosudbi medicinske etike
Valentin Pozaić
We are witnessing that in our world and time, basic values have fallen into crisis.
Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove, 1985.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
5.98 €
Ethics • Spiritual guides • Christianity • Theology
Život prije rođenja: etičko-moralni vidici
Valentin Pozaić
The book "Life Before Birth: Ethical and Moral Perspectives" by Valentin Pozaić, published in 1990, addresses bioethical issues related to the beginning of human life.
Filozofsko-teološki institut Družbe Isusove, 1990.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
6.24 €