Petar Abelard

Peter Abelard (1079–1142) was a French philosopher, theologian and one of the most influential thinkers of the Middle Ages. Born in Le Pallet in Brittany, Abelard was known for his brilliant mind and penchant for intellectual debate. He studied in Paris, where he became a leading logician and teacher, a pioneer in the application of logic to theological questions.

His most famous philosophical work, Sic et Non (Yes and No), explores the contradictions in theological texts, encouraging critical thinking. Abelard is also known for his tragic love story with Heloise, which is recorded in their correspondence. Because of his free-spirited approach and conflict with the Church, he was repeatedly condemned for heresy.

Despite the controversies, he left an indelible mark on philosophy, theology and medieval education, establishing the foundations of the scholastic method. His intellectual boldness still inspires thinkers today.

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