Slavko Goldstein

Slavko Goldstein

Croatian journalist and publisher (Sarajevo, August 22, 1928 – Zagreb, September 13, 2017). He attended high school in Karlovac. At the age of fourteen (1942), he joined the anti-fascist struggle. After the war, he collaborated in Studentski list (from 1947), and in 1952 he was a member of the founding editorial staff of Vjesnik u sredušje, where he worked as a journalist and editor (1952–53, 1959–60). Since then, he has been continuously active in Croatian journalism and publishing, for a time also in film. He was an editor and commentator at Radio Zagreb (1954–58). In later years, he collaborated with articles on culture, politics and contemporary phenomena in Start and Danas. Wrote hundreds of newspaper and essay texts, forewords or afterwords to the books he edited, and also wrote several screenplays for films (Signals over the City, 1960, Prometheus from the Island of Viševice, 1964, Akcija »Stadion«, 1977, etc. ). He has been active in publishing since the 1960s, first as editor-in-chief of Tstvalnosti (1968–70), then as director of Liber University Press, director of Novog Liber (since 1991), advisor at Cankarje's publishing house (1983–92) and director of Tjednik (1996). –97). Chief editor of Erasmus magazine (1993–97). Founder and first president of the Croatian Social Liberal Party (1989–90). President of the Jewish Municipality of Zagreb (1986–90). Wrote books: Proposal 85: voice from the economy (1985), Holocaust in Zagreb (2001, co-author I. Goldstein), 1941: the year that returns (2007), Jasenovac and Bleiburg are not the same (2011, co-author I. Goldstein) ), Tito (2015, co-author), Jasenovac: tragedy, mythomania, truth (2016, co-author I. Goldstein).

Titles in our offer

1941. Godina koja se vraća

1941. Godina koja se vraća

Slavko Goldstein

The manuscript of author Slavko Goldstein is much more than memoir literature. It is actually an exceptional depiction of a turning point in recent Croatian history... (I. Banac)

Novi Liber, 2007.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Jasenovac-tragika, mitomanija, istina

Jasenovac-tragika, mitomanija, istina

Slavko Goldstein

Jasenovac - tragedy, mythomania, truth by Slavko Goldstein with a special article by prof. Dr. Ivo Goldstein's "On the number of victims of the Jasenovac camp complex" analyzes all aspects of the Jasenovac camp in an argumentative, accurate and, above all

Fraktura, 2016.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.