Louise Park


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Ratnici iz staroga i srednjega vijeka - Spartanski hopliti

Ratnici iz staroga i srednjega vijeka - Spartanski hopliti

Louise Park, Timothy Love

Spartan hoplites were the elite warriors of ancient Greece, known for their discipline, courage and military skill. Hoplites were heavy foot soldiers armed with a spear (dory), a short sword (xiphos) and a large round shield (aspis).

MacMillan Library, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ratnici iz staroga i srednjega vijeka - Srednjovjekovni vitezovi

Ratnici iz staroga i srednjega vijeka - Srednjovjekovni vitezovi

Louise Park, Timothy Love

Medieval knights were the elite warriors of Europe, known for their courage, military skill and strict honor. Knights wore heavy armor, rode on horses and used weapons such as swords, spears and shields.

MacMillan Library, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.