Geoffrey Hodson

Geoffrey Hodson (March 12, 1886 in Lincolnshire, England - January 23, 1983 in Auckland, New Zealand) was a theosophist, occultist, mystic, philosopher and esotericist and leader of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) for over 70 years. He was also a Freemason and a priest in the liberal Catholic Church.

Hodson traveled extensively around the world lecturing for the Theosophical Society. He was the author of more than fifty books on theosophy, spiritualism, psychic and spiritual development, mysticism, fairies, angels, meditation, health and illness. He wrote over two hundred articles and gave talks.

Geoffrey Hodson was a spiritual bringer of light to humanity who passed through the world in our time. Many have overlooked his full significance because he refused to allow himself to be at the center of a cult of personality. Thus in his life he effectively avoided the 'guru worship syndrome' which has caused some of the wrong ideas and self-promotional behavior to spread over the last half century and from many who had only a fraction of Mr Hodson's insight and ability. Instead, he showed deep humility, putting himself at the service of others. His inner yogic practices and service to the world quickly brought him under the direct inspiration and guidance of the Adepts and Archangelic teachers of the human race. It is precisely these high teachers who should rightly be considered the authentic basis of the "guru" archetype.

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Geoffrey Hodson

The purpose of writing this book about angels is to provide knowledge that can serve as a basis for further study of the angelic hierarchy.

CID-NOVA, 2006.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.