Dimitrije: Saloma – Salome

Dimitrije: Saloma – Salome

Dimitrije Popović, Dražen Katunarić
Popović, Katunarić

"In the morphology of the female being, there are no more desirable characters than Judith and Salome, two women who carry two heads: their own and a severed one," writes the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset in his essay on Salome.

In addition to the third, perhaps the most desirable, Maria Magdalena, who symbolically annulled herself, i.e. her own body as the source of fornication, these two women, beheaders, one directly, the other by order, inspired three major art cycles and exhibitions by Dimitri Popović after they were the subject of his long-term occupation. Judith's prey after coitus, Holofernes' head as if watching, morbidly winking at Salome's catch from the dance, John the Baptist's head on a platter, raised to heaven, and Mary Magdalene with a skull in the back of her head shaped by her hair, is mirrored in the face of a picturesque crime and death lust wants to redeem him. The balance of love expressed in numbers: three beautiful women, two severed male heads and one skull.

Petra Vrkljan
Dimitrije Popović, Andrija Domazetović, Dragi Savićević, Biljana Gaurina
Graphics design
Ivan Savićević
34 x 24 cm
Muzej Mimara, Zagreb, 2010.
Distribution: 1,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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