Riječ, slika, grad, rat
He has now published his book from 1995, "Word, Image, City", which was sold out a long time ago, and which was searched in vain in antiquarian bookshops, in an expanded version "Word, Image, City, War".
He added texts by Croatian intellectuals that, even beyond the author's expectations, have withstood the passage of time and retained their value despite the "forgotten" direct reason for their creation. Flaker's stimulating intermedial studies look for controversial words, music and images in the work of Milan Begović or Ivan Lacković, the role of Berlin, Moscow, Vienna in Croatian literature, detect the "belligerence" of Croatian culture... Mandatory reading! This book is devoted almost entirely to Croatian literature and art, or rather to those phenomena with which Croatian culture stood in a direct relationship. It is a continuation of the author's intermediate research, which he has been engaged in for several years, so some contributions are nothing more than the elaboration of what has already been started or new illumination of topics that the author had already touched upon. The scope of the book decided that the "Russian" topics remain outside this scope for the time being: there will certainly be an opportunity to present them to the Croatian public in a fuller scope.
One copy is available