Rušenje antifašističkih spomenika u Hrvatskoj 1990-2000
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Rušenje antifašističkih spomenika u Hrvatskoj 1990-2000

A detailed and documented account of the destruction of anti-fascist monuments and symbols in Croatia is contained in this monograph, which was prepared and published by the Association of Anti-Fascist Fighters of Croatia and edited by Juraj Hrženjak.

According to the editor, "this monograph also warns the Croatian public that the fascist danger is still present and that the remaining anti-fascist monuments should be restored and preserved, all in the interest of historical truth".

Juraj Hrženjak
29 x 21 cm
Savez antifašističkih boraca Hrvatske, Zagreb, 2002.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
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