Architecture & Design
A History of Ottoman Architecture
Antički grad na istočnom Jadranu
Mate Suić's book "Ancient City on the Eastern Adriatic" represents a great enrichment of Croatian scientific literature in which archaeological, urban and architectural problems of the ancient period are studied.
Arheološka zbirka Franjevačkog samostana u Sinju
Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui
"Creating Sacred Space With Feng Shui" (1997) by Karen Kingston explores how to use feng shui and energetic space clearing to improve the quality of life.
Domovi kraljeva: Najlepše građevine i prostori sveta
The book "Homes of the Kings" belongs to the collection of books "The Most Beautiful Buildings and Spaces of the World" and deals with royal castles such as the Palace of Versailles, Persepolis, the Kremlin and others.
Eufrazijeva bazilika u Poreču
The author of the text is our respected art historian Milan Prelog, while Milan Babić, Vlado Bugarin and Željko Krčadinac are responsible for the photos.
Fiskovićev zbornik I-II : zbornik radova posvećenih sedamdesetogodišnjici života Cvita Fiskovića
A collection of papers dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the life of art historian Cvito Fisković.
Franjevački samostan i crkva sv. Filipa i Jakoba : The Franciscan moastery and church of ss Philip and James
Frank Lloyd Wright: Arhitektura – protagonisti
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