Crkva sv. Petra i Pavla u Topolju
Church of St. Peter and Paul in Topolje, which is located outside the settlement, a kilometer away from Topolje on the road to Draž, has an interesting and somewhat creepy history.
Here are some facts about this church:
Year of construction: The first church in Baranja was built in 172212. The most interesting fact: During construction, its tower collapsed three times! The builders tried in vain to build the tower and the cross, but it is strange that lightning struck the cross of the church of St. Peter and Paul. After these unusual events, the builders gave up further attempts. Mysterious stories and legends: The church is located on a Turkish cemetery, where a great battle took place in 1687 in which many Ottomans lost their lives. Because of this, it is rumored that this is precisely the reason that the belfry never survived. Also, there are rumors that whoever tried to forcefully enter the church or desecrated it, did not fare well or even paid with his head. Architectural importance: Church of St. Peter and Paul is a cultural monument of the 1st category and is counted among the most important baroque sacral buildings in Croatia. Although this church is shrouded in mystery and legends, its architecture and history make it special and worthy of attention.
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