Šuma i Šokci

Šuma i Šokci

Mara Švel-Gamiršek

The prose book Šuma i Šokci is Mara Švel-Gamiršek's best work.

In it, using the process of chronicling, he writes about the topic of felling and trade in the famous old Slavonian oaks, which disappeared from the face of this rich country from the 1970s and in the first decades of this century, and with them the economic basis of the former farming life, grazing, herding, acorns...

20 x 14 cm
Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 1940.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, condition good enough
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Slight damage to the pages
  • Damaged back
  • Damaged covers
  • Yellowed pages

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