Mudrost snova : Kako razumjeti i primjenjivati jezik simbola
In this introduction to the application of dreams in everyday life, the most famous German dream expert Klausbernd Vollmar shows how to understand dreams and use them to solve everyday problems and achieve a greater level of joy in life.
The author is a recognized German expert on dreams, a graduate psychologist, completed studies in German studies, linguistics, philosophy and geology, was the head of a therapy center in Amsterdam, co-founded the company TraumOnline, which deals with the issue of dreams and symbols and offers consultations, seminars and lectures on the subject .
In the book, he practically applies all-round knowledge and erudition, summarizing all previous knowledge about dreams in a simple and readable way. It helps us better understand our own dreams, interpret their symbolism, which leads to better self-awareness and easier solving of everyday problems.
The book is written in a relaxed and entertaining jargon, with numerous amusing anecdotes and instructive examples. It summarizes today's knowledge about dreams in a simple way and allows readers to immediately understand what can be done with dreams without complicated interpretation of symbols.
One copy is available