Giovannijeva soba

Giovannijeva soba

Jamees Baldwin

The action of this novel takes place in France, and it is about the tragic love between a young white American and his Italian friend. An apparently shocking topic is handled very skilfully and delicately...

The book 'Giovanni's Room' (1956) was written by Baldwin at a time when there were few novels that openly dealt with homosexuality, and therefore its appearance was not well received. His agent advised him to burn the manuscript, and his publisher refused to print it, so he had to find another publisher. Going public with that book, Baldwin stated that 'the phobia of homosexuals and literature dealing with same-sex love signifies the panic of heterosexuals, which is the result of their lack of imagination and ability to appreciate diversity'...

Original title
Govanni's Room
Mario Suško
Zlatko Crnković
Dražen Pomykalo
Graphics design
Alfred Pal
20 x 12 cm
Znanje, Zagreb, 1985.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

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The last copy was sold recently.


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