Zlatarovo malo zlato

Zlatarovo malo zlato

Nada Iveljić

The main character is the boy Ivančica, who lives with his mother and grandmother. His family is poor but warm-hearted. Ivančica is a special boy because he has golden hair, which is why he is called "Goldsmith's Little Gold".

The book follows Ivančić's adventures and encounters with different characters in the village. He helps his neighbors, talks to birds and flowers, and his kindness and kindness win the hearts of everyone around him. Through the stories about Ivančica, author Nada Iveljić emphasizes the importance of love, kindness and respect for nature and people.

This book is gentle and warm, ideal for reading to children. Through Ivančić's experiences, readers will learn important life values ​​and understand the power of love and friendship.

Tito Bilopavlović
Vjera Lalin
Graphics design
Vjera Lalin
24 x 17 cm
Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1988.
Distribution: 3,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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