

Milan Gligorić, Dragovan Blagojević

This book deals with topics from mechanics, it covers the basic principles and laws that are applied in physics.

Here are some key topics covered in the book:

  • Kinematics: Kinematics studies body motion regardless of the causes of that motion. Here, the position, speed and acceleration of the body are analyzed.
  • Dynamics: Dynamics deals with the causes of body motion. Newton's laws of mechanics (first, second and third laws) fall into this category.
  • Work and energy: This topic includes the concepts of work, kinetic and potential energy, and conservation of total mechanical energy.
  • Conservation laws: Conservation of momentum and conservation of momentum are important laws in mechanics.
  • Rotational mechanics: This topic deals with the motion of rotating bodies, moment of force and laws of rotation.
  • Gravitation: It studies the attractive force between bodies and the laws of gravity.
  • Elasticity: Here, the behavior of the body under the action of deformation forces is analyzed.
  • Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics: These topics deal with the study of fluids (liquids and gases) in a static and dynamic state.

Vojislav Mitić
24 x 17 cm
Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd, 1980.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, very good condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Damaged covers
  • Damaged pages
  • Traces of patina

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